Theme: Intersection of Tourism, Trade and Sustainability, Imperatives for Africa During and Post Covid 19 Era

The 2021 edition will be hosted in Lagos, Nigeria (as a virtual and in-person (hybrid) event), Africa’s largest economy and the world’s largest black nation by population. The event is designed to be rotated amongst countries and region of Africa which affords host countries significant economic returns and the opportunity to showcase their unique tourism assets and attract tourists and investors on a continental and global level.

100 Youths in Training on Tourism for Climate Action

This is a Youth Tourism Connect Training Programme that will upskill youths in tourism business or youths intending to take a vocation in tourism in the area of sustainable tourism and climate change.


-1057Days -16Hours -57Minutes -20Seconds
500 Delegates
1500 On-line participants
25 speakers
3 Days
1 Venue


Learn all you need to know about Africa Tourism Day

The Africa Tourism Day is a FOCUS-ON-AFRICA annual country-specific rotational event celebrating Africa’s rich and diverse cultural and natural endowments whilst creating awareness on issues that are impeding development, progress, integration and growth of the industry and also formulating and sharing solutions and marshal plans to leapfrog the tourism industry in Africa.

Trade and tourism have always had a symbiotic relationship over time. With the advent of the African Continental Free Trade Area AfCFTA which commenced on the 1st of January 2021 and transforms Africa into the largest trading bloc globally with the ease of movement of goods, services, equipment, capital amongst African countries etc., where does this position tourism?

Whilst African economies essentially need to look at their carbon footprints, target and take actions towards achieving responsible and sustainable value chains, materials sourcing, exploration, production, manufacturing, supply chains, distributions, consumption in their business activities and locations across the continent, the AfCFTA need to provide the gateway to facilitate intra- Africa and inter- regional responsible, sustainable and regenerative travel and tourism to foster economic growth and development. One that puts planet earth, environmental conservation, community development, social responsibility and destination stewardship into account.

The paris agreement clearly stipulates the ambition to halve global emissions of C02 gases and to reduce the heat of the earth to 1.50 by 2030 and reach net zero of global emissions by 2050.

Tourism is one of the sectors affected by climate conditions disrupting and displacing communities and bio- diversity eco systems. Flooding, unpredictable weather conditions etc. affect agricultural yields, production outputs hence, tourism, trade and sustainability need to become focal points with the attendant climate issues and the urgent actions that countries, businesses, corporates, MSMEs , individuals ought to be taking to mitigate climate change. This year’s theme concerns how tourism integrates into and may be facilitated through trade yet with the earth, environment conservation and sustainability at the centre of trade, tourism and business activities.

marquee scrolling effect by Jeff Okoroafor ATD 2021: Date - November 25th- 27th 2021 | Mode: Hybrid (In- Person) and Virtual.




Jackson Igbinosun

On this special maiden edition of Africa Tourism Day, It is important for us as Africans to note that  harnessing Africa’s tourism potentials through sustained investments in critical tourism  infrastructure across regions backed by a robust policy framework will significantly accelerate the continent’s economic diversification aspirations for job and wealth creation.

Co-Founder & Operations Director, The Global Black & African Arts & Culture Canada, GBAFACC

Mrs. Susan Akporiaye

The Tourism industry in 2020 has been confronted with its biggest challenge in its history, the covid-19 pandemic. This brought the industry to a total standstill for several months, with the fact that the industry has the largest workforce in the world, cutting across all sectors of the economies of nations, bringing about untold hardship, loss of jobs and livelihood and a massive depletion of the revenues of world economies. In the face of so much uncertainty, we refuse to give up. Tough times don’t last, but tough people do. I want to use this opportunity to congratulate and appreciate Ms. Abigail Olagbaye, the Convener of the Africa Tourism Day initiative which I personally believe is making a strong statement of hope that the tourism industry will blossom and stand tall once again. Happy Africa Tourism Day!

President, National Association of Nigeria Travel Agencies (NANTA)

Nura S. Kangiwa

“The idea of an ‘Africa Tourism Day’ is original, germaine and long overdue. Apparently, African tourist destinations are some of the most celebrated in the world. So, designating a day to highlight the impact of Tourism in Africa will, eventually, deepen the socio-economic benefits of the industry to Africans and the Diaspora.”
Director General, National Institute for Hospitality and Tourism (NIHOTOUR)

Amb. Dimakatso Malwela

While the world is facing crisis caused by the pandemic which has affected the global economy, Africans dare to dream. Seeing the great Africa amid and post covid-19 pandemic. We need to be resilient and rise above the situation.

This is exactly what Ms. Abigail did by giving birth to the idea of Africa Tourism Day amid the pandemic.
ATD is a Pan African programme that is going to impact the continent. Through strong strategic partnership and collaborations, Tourism will never be the same. It forms part of the recovery plan and deserves to be embraced by all nations in Africa.

Let us journey together to the land of prosperity using ATD as our vehicle!

President, Women of Value Africa and Chairperson, African Tourism Board Women Empowerment Forum

Alhaji Rabo Saleh

“Africa is the green land and hope of the earth. It is an embodiment of beauty, clothed with natural endowments that other continents scramble for. It is time for all Africans to come together as one declaring with one voice and sending the message of hope, peace, love and unity that will give birth to growth and development. Africa is ready and together we can achieve greatness!”

President, Federation of Tourism Associations of Nigeria, FTAN.

Dr. Taleb Rifai

We all came out of Africa. It is the birthplace of us all but, at the end we were unfair to Africa. We exploited it and, still are, while Africa was never part of the greed and the material world of the day. It never disrespected or looked down at the rest of humanity, like a tender and compassionate mother, it looked at its children and, as if it said, “ you have exploited me, enslaved me, and still discriminating against me but, I forgive you and only want the best for you’.
The world has a lot to learn from Africa, it’s history, it’s culture and it’s endless stories and “ now is Africa’s moment “. On this Africa tourism day, let us all go back to Africa, our birthplace!
Frm. Secretary General, United Nations World Tourism Organisation UNWTO

Mr. Moses Vilakati

Africa Tourism Day is a stark reminder that biodiversity and our natural ecosystem in rural areas need to be preserved and enhanced as a means of sustaining our tourism narrative.Together we can sustain tourism for future generations.

Hon. Minister for Tourism and Environmental Affairs Kingdom of Eswatini

Abigail Adesina Olagbaye, MITPN

Africa, a pot pourri of cultures, tribes and kingdoms and a treasure trove of 1.3 billion creative and resilient people has never ceased to mesmerize the world! Let us all now rise as kings and queens and leverage the power of our culture capital, the immense talents of our youths, the sheer magnificence of our numbers for investments, for partnerships, for trade and for tourism.

CEO Desigo, Tourism Development and Facility Management Company Limited
Cuthbert Ncube

Cuthbert Ncube

As we celebrate Africa Tourism Day, our continent boasts of various living attractions which are a satisfaction for the tourist appetite and investors’ yearning. Let’s navigate together to advance sustainability and build a strong resilient, vibrant sector.

Executive Chairman, Africa Tourism Board
